10 Bad Habits That Can Affect Your Wealth: A Feng Shui Perspective

Did you know that your everyday actions can influence your financial well-being? Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese practice of harmonizing our surroundings with the flow of energy, suggests that certain habits can impact our ability to attract wealth and abundance. By understanding how these bad habits relate to the flow of “chi” (life force energy), we can make subtle shifts to invite greater prosperity. Let’s explore 10 common habits that, according to Feng Shui, might be hindering your wealth potential:

Frequent Frowning: Inviting Negativity

Constantly furrowing your brow can be a sign of worry, stress, and a negative outlook—all of which can block the flow of positive energy. Feng Shui encourages a mindset of optimism and gratitude to attract abundance.

Excessive Blinking: Inviting Instability

While blinking is natural, excessive blinking is often associated with anxiety, insecurity, and a sense of feeling overwhelmed. This can reflect a lack of groundedness and stability, making it harder to attract and maintain wealth.

Spitting Frequently: Expelling Wealth

In many cultures, spitting is considered disrespectful. In Feng Shui, it’s also believed to symbolize expelling wealth and good fortune. Just as we value keeping our homes clean, maintaining respectful habits can promote positive energy flow.

Playing with Fingers: Disrupting Harmony

Fidgeting with fingers, particularly intertwining them, is thought to disrupt the harmony of energy within the body and the surrounding environment. This can manifest as instability in finances and relationships.

Licking Your Lips: Inviting Unwanted Attention

While a natural impulse at times, frequently licking your lips in social situations can be misinterpreted and attract unwanted attention, potentially leading to compromised decisions or situations that drain your energy and resources.

Biting Your Lower Lip: Eroding Trustworthiness

Biting the lower lip is often associated with nervousness, insecurity, or dishonesty. In Feng Shui, it suggests a lack of trustworthiness, which can hinder financial partnerships and opportunities.

Touching Your Nose While Talking: Projecting Dishonesty

Frequently touching the nose while speaking can be perceived as a sign of deception or insecurity. Cultivating open and honest communication is essential for attracting and maintaining wealth.

Biting Your Nails: Inviting Insecurity

Nail-biting is often a sign of stress, anxiety, and deep-seated insecurity. Feng Shui suggests that this habit can attract similar energies into your life, making it harder to attract abundance and stability.

Shaking Your Legs: Dispersing Good Fortune

Constantly shaking or bouncing your legs is believed to disperse positive energy and good fortune. It reflects restlessness and a lack of grounding, which can hinder your ability to attract and maintain wealth.

Shuffling Your Feet: Blocking the Path to Success

Walking with a shuffling gait, where your feet barely leave the ground, is considered a sign of low energy and a lack of purpose. Feng Shui emphasizes a confident and purposeful stride to invite opportunities and success.


By becoming more aware of these common habits and making conscious efforts to shift them, you can create a more harmonious flow of energy in your life, inviting greater wealth, opportunity, and overall well-being.

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